‘Kader Abdolah’

18 Oct.'16
- 20:00

Meet the writer

Kader Abdolah presents his new novel at BOZAR. The successful Iranian-Dutch writer, best known for novels such as The King and The House of the Mosque, will publish ‘Salam Europa!’ in October. This novel tells the tale of the Shah of Persia and his first journey through Europe in 1873. It is a very topical book in which present day events, from the arrival of millions of migrants to the terrorist attacks in Paris, are strongly interwoven.Guy Verhofstadt opens the evening with a personal introduction on the novel. After that Abdolah will be interviewed by Jelle Van Riet and will read from Salam Europa.This is an evening of interest in and curiosity about other points of view.

Practical information


Scène Henry Le Bœuf

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • Dutch