‘Joyce DiDonato & Il Pomo d'Oro’

17 Nov.'16
- 20:00

In War and Peace: Harmony through music

The American mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, who we welcomed to BOZAR three years ago for a memorable evening devoted to Drama Queens, is back again to sing us some of her most beautiful baroque airs, symbols of musical harmony in an often troubled world. Great masters like Monteverdi, Purcell, Händel, Leo and Jommelli, have expressed these contrasts. Interpreted as they are by a singer with a personality as strong as that of DiDonato, these airs with their subtle nuances rediscover all their former sparkle. 

Joyce DiDonato is doing us the honour of starting her world tour here in BOZAR!

CD RELEASE - A signing session will be organised after the concert.

Joyce DiDonato
Maxim Emelyanychev
Ralf Pleger
Henning Blum
lighting design
Yousef Iskandar
Manuel Palazzo
Vivienne Westwood
Claudio Monteverdi

Works by

Henry Purcell

Works by

Georg Friedrich Händel

Works by

Niccolò Jommelli

Works by

Leonardo Leo

Works by


Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

ENSEIGNEMENT SECONDAIRE, SUPERIEUR ET ACADEMIES: tarif spécial, voir 'La Musique c'est Classe'