27 June'19
- 21:00

Preceded by ANDORRE (Virgil Vernier)

A shopping mall in the middle of mountains, pyramids of goods, a glass tower dedicated to body care, Andorra makes dazzling promises of modern happiness. But when the night comes, streets fall again into silence and Andorra shine only for itself. Andorre is a short film by Virgil Vernier, with music by James Ferraro.  

James Ferraro (US, °1986) is a visionary artist whose music explores the illusions and nightmares of the postmodern world, providing a critique on contemporary consumer culture, hyperreality and the power of media. He has released dozens of albums under countless aliases, transgressing genre boundaries and taking great care in regularly reinventing himself. In 2011 Far Side Virtual was voted album of the year by The Wire. In 2018 Ferraro premiered an opera during the transmediale festival (Berlin). His latest release Requiem for Recycled Earth (2019) deals with ecocide and planetary divorce. He currently self-releases most of his new output through Bandcamp and YouTube.

We care about your ears here

Attention, the sound level of this concert will be of category 3 with 100dB.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

Price: €10

Price Combiticket: €12
when purchasing a ticket for this event and at the same time a ticket for the event Mercuriales, VIRGIL VERNIER

Andorre - Virgil Vernier (2013, France, 20') Direction: Virgil Vernie. Screenwriter: Virgil Vernier. DOP: Jordan Chouzenoux. Sound: Simon Apostolou. Editing: Raphäelle Martin-Hölger. Production company: Kazak Productions 

James Ferraro - live set.