‘Iterations #5’

7 Nov.'19
- 14:00

Talks and performance

Constant invites international speakers to discuss, explore and contextualise further the central themes of the Iterations project. Topics such as collective creation in art and the relationship between artistic practice and institutional frameworks will be on the agenda.

With : Melanie Sehgal (Professor of Literary, Scientific and Media Studies at the European University of Viadrina, Frankfurt), Giulia DeVal (artist and researcher in the field of sound and visual arts), Nayari Castillo-Rutz (artist and researcher specialised in art in the public space that engages with history, time and space).

The exhibition is created by a group of artists who took part in one of the previous editions of Iterations, reworking material from it into a new collective work of art. The result is more than a group exhibition, as it develops out of a shared creative process. A wide range of artistic disciplines will be represented – from performance to film and sound art. What happens when these disciplines meet? We invite you to find out!

The exhibition opens immediately after the lectures. The encounters with the artists offer the opportunity to join in and exchange ideas around the initiative.

Practical information


Bertouille Rotunda

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


  • English

Talks 14:00 > 18:00

Opening 18:00 > 20:30

Registration is free but mandatory.