Handicap international

‘"Invisible Scars”: a transversal view on mental health’

1 Mar.'18
- 18:30

Conference | Humanitarian Action | Photography

Handicap International invites you to lectures about mental health care.

Robin Hammond - guest speaker, world renowned photographer and laureate of the World Press Photo Award in 2017, one of the most prestigious contest in photojournalism. He will present "One Day In My World" - Explore the stories of real people facing mental health challenges, visit in my World.
Maximilien Zimmermann, Mental Health technical Advisor for Handicap International, will present "Touching Minds Raising Dignity : Combat social prejudice against people affected with mental problems". This Project which is also associated to Robin Hammond's Campaign, is carried out in four countries: Togo, Madagascar, South Sudan, Lebanon.
Léa Deckarm, Mental Health Counselor for Doctors Without Borders will share her experience in providing mental health and psychosocial support to asylum-seekers in two reception centers in Wallonia.
18.30 Opening / Welcome
19 – 19.45  "Touching Minds raising Dignity" by Maximilien Zimmermann from Handicap International
19.45-20.30 "One Day in My World" by Robin Hammond
20.30-20.45 Short Musical Break with “Between 2 Silences”
20.45-21.15 "Share of experience on the Belgian Field" by Léa Deckarm from Doctors Without Borders
21.15-22.00 Debate

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English French