Die Zeit (Brussel)
Goethe-Institut Brüssel
Bureau de liaison de l'ARD à Bruxelles / WDR

‘Interreligious dialogue: Hopes and Challenges’

26 May'16
- 19:30

With: Khalid Hajji and Avi Tawil

Religion serves as a pretext for hate, violence, and the stigmatization of entire communities. Khalid Hajji, President of the Brussels Forum of Wisdom and World Peace, and Avi Tawil, rabbi and Director of the European Jewish Community Centre, oppose this tendency and talk about the opportunities interreligious exchange provides.

Moderator: Matthias Krupa (Die Zeit). 

Rabbi Avi Tawil - Short Biography

Rabbi Avi Tawil is currently Director of the European Jewish Community Centre (EJCC), a Brussels based non-profit organisation that promotes Jewish Culture in Europe.

Khalid Hajji - Short Biography

Khalid Hajji is currently the President of Brussels Forum of Wisdom and World Peace (BFWWP), an independent non-profit institution that contributes to open a new space of research and a platform of dialogue. 

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  • German English
  • Translation: German