‘Il Gardellino & Vlaams Radiokoor’

29 May'25
- 20:00

Via Crucis

Thread after thread, colour after colour, layer after layer. This concert weaves a compelling musical fabric that offers contemplation and reflection in 14 parts, as many as the stations of Christ’s cross, but from a female perspective. As a contemporary response to Buxtehude’s cycle of cantatas Membra Jesu Nostri, Caroline Shaw has written To the Hands in which she questions our role in the wounds of today’s society. Maybe there is blood on other hands than those of the crucified Jesus. In Ad Genua, the Icelandic composer Anna Thorvaldsdóttir calls for greater tolerance, and Patricia Van Ness brings hope and trust in Cor meum est Templum Sacrum. Il Gardellino and the Vlaams Radiokoor led by Bart Van Reyn extend the Passion into a resilient story of suffering and empowerment.

Il Gardellino
Vlaams Radio Koor
Dietrich Buxtehude

Membra Jesu nostri, BuxWV 75 (excerpts)

Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Stabat Mater dolorosa. Grave

Caroline Shaw

To the Hands

Anna Thorvaldsdottir

Ad Genua

Patricia Van Ness

Cor meum est Templum Sacrum


Early music




Portrait Caroline Shaw

Practical information


Church of St. James on Coudenberg

Place Royale 1000 Brussels



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< 30 year

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Card : Preferential Reimbursement / EU Disability

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