‘Igor Levit’

25 Oct.'17
- 20:00

Beethoven Sonatas V

The dedicatee of a BOZAR "portrait", the young German-Russian pianist Igor Levit is continuing his cycle of Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas. A huge undertaking for one of the pinnacles of the solo piano repertoire, covering a period of 27 years (from 1795 to 1822) and comprising 32 sonatas. This splendid cycle reflects the composer's different periods, from the early years, when he was under the sway of Haydn and Mozart, to his mature works, where he displays his own Romantic style, whose influence has continued to be  felt by several generations of composers.

Igor Levit
Ludwig van Beethoven

Piano Sonata no. 2, op. 2/2

Ludwig van Beethoven

Piano Sonata no. 7, op. 10/3

Ludwig van Beethoven

Piano Sonata no. 6, op. 10/2

Ludwig van Beethoven

Piano Sonata no. 18, op. 31/3

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS