Vlaams Nederlands Huis deBuren

‘Ian Buruma’

20 Jan.'19
- 20:00

Meet the writer

The British-Dutch writer Ian Buruma recently found himself in the eye of the storm when he resigned as editor of The New York Review of Books following the publication of a controversial article. This almost caused us to forget that he is one of the most important writers and intellectuals in the world today. His critical view of historical and contemporary issues makes him a global authority.

Buruma is the author of an impressive body of work in which Asian culture, democracy, religion, politics, Islamist fundamentalism and the aftermath of the Second World War are recurrent themes. He is Professor of Democracy, Human Rights and Journalism in New York and winner of the prestigious Erasmus Prize. BOZAR and deBuren are inviting him for a full evening's programme during which he will be talking to Brigitte Herremans about his work and commitment as a writer.

Practical information


Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English