‘I Shall Not Hate’

3 Apr.'19
- 10:00

Lecture by Izzeldin Abuelaish

Izzeldin Abuelaish, known as "the Gaza Doctor" and author of 'I Shall Not Hate', is a Palestinian doctor and infertility expert who was born and raised in the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Tragically, his three daughters and a niece were killed in January 2009 during the Israeli incursion into Gaza, yet this devastating blow did not harden Abuelaish's heart. Instead, he has directed his energy toward spreading the doctrine that from tragedy can come good; from conflict and hardship can come peace and wellbeing, in the hope that the lives lost this time would be the last. Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 and winner of humanitarian awards around the world, he now lives with his family in Toronto, where he is an associate professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. Dr. Abuelaish has founded 'Daughters for Life', a Canadian charity that provides young women in high school and university the opportunity through education to develop a strong voice and play a more influential role in improving the quality of life throughout the Middle East.

During the weKONEKT.week, from 1 until 5 April 2019, VUB, ULB and EhB collectively go off campus with students, academics and staff. The programme includes more than 100 (teaching) activities. Students from all faculties get (guest)lectures about current and future challenges. Over 60 companies, cultural institutions, government institutions, hospitals, courts, sports clubs, museums, public welfare centers, non-profit organizations, media and international institutions have joined forced to make the movement possible. The weKONEKT.week is a short and powerful initiative to underline that weKONEKT.brussels is a personal and a collective journey. A selection of activities is open to the public. Check out the programme www.wekonektweek.brussels for more information and registration.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English


  • Mission de Palestine auprès du Royaume de Belgique, du Grand-duché du Luxembourg et de l'Union européenne
  • VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
  • weKONEKT.brussels

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