‘Huelgas Ensemble’

28 Apr.'17
- 20:00

Albion de fluns environnée. Polyphony in England 1300-1400

Music composed on the European continent during the 14th century provided input to a whole host of manuscripts. The Codex Chantilly is a famous example of this. Conversely, English music during this period was fairly unknown and hardly studied at all. The Huelgas Ensemble will help you discover this exceptional music that has reached us via the various manuscripts kept in libraries in Cambridge, Oxford, Durham, Worcester, York and London. Combining motets, masses, conductus, gymels and other secular songs, this repertoire originated in the midst of various local traditions: this explains why it was confined to the British Isles for such a very long time.
Paul Van Nevel

Practical information


Eglise Notre-Dame de la Chapelle | Kerk van Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Kapelle

Place de la Chapelle 1000 Brussels