‘Huelgas Ensemble’

15 Dec.'16
- 20:30

Claudio's mirror

Claudio Monteverdi's name is nowadays associated with the Early Baroque period and, more specifically, the stylistic turning point when composition developed a more theatrical bent. The highly versatile Monteverdi sought to show his detractors that he was just as adept at polyphonic structures as his predecessors. Based on the motet of the Franco-Flemish master Nicolas Gombert, Monteverdi's Missa da Capella demonstrates his phenomenal ingenuity. The Huelgas Ensemble are recreating this polyphonic treasure, while linking it to pieces by composers from the previous generation. The outcome is a thrilling juxtaposition of a "conservative" Monteverdi and his "progressive" predecessors.

Paul Van Nevel
Claudio Monteverdi

Missa da capella "In illo tempore"

Nicola Vicentino

Laura che 'l verde lauro à 5

Cesari Tudine d'Atri

Amor i'ho molti e molt' anni pianto

Giaches de Wert

Mia benigna fortuna à 5

Luca Marenzio

Solo e pensoso à 5 (Francesco Petrarca)




Practical information


Minimes | Miniemen Church

Rue des Minimes 62 1000 Brussels