A+ Architecture in Belgium

‘Horizontal Metropolis: a radical project’

15 June →
26 Aug.'18

Two years ago, Paola Viganò and students at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) presented “The Horizontal Metropolis" at the Venice Biennale. This is a radical project on the development of the diffuse city that uses a new conceptual framework in which the key words are porosity, isotrophy, connectivity, horizontality and space as a capital and renewable resource. This summer, the exhibition will be held at the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels. The exhibition follows up on the research undertaken by Paola Viganò on the "Horizontal Metropolis" and applies it to the Belgian context. At a summer school three Belgian case studies - Central East Flanders, the gardens of West Brussels and the Sambre Valley in Wallonia - will be added to the existing five case studies that include the ville territoire in Lausanne, the Citta diffusa in Venice, the Megapolis in the United States and Desakota in China. 

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

Opening hours

Tuesday — Sunday : 10 am — 6 pm
Thursday : 10 am — 9 pm (except between July 21 and August 15)

Closed on Monday