‘Henry Van de Velde Awards 17’

31 Jan. →
15 Apr.'18

The Henry van de Velde Awards are an ode to the diversity, necessity and impact of design. In an attractive setting designed by interior architect Isabelle Speybrouck, Flanders DC and BOZAR bring together strong design by the winners and nominees of the 2017 Henry van de Velde Awards.
That ‘strong design’ can be a beautiful object, but also an installation or object that provides a solution. An informative catalogue, put together by Geoffrey Brusatto, tells the story behind each of the projects. From 31 January till 15 April March 2018 you can discover (for free!) the winners and nominees of the Awards in the foyers of the Centre for Fine Arts.

Practical information

Opening hours
Tue - Sun, 10 am - 6 pm
Thu, 10 am - 9 pm 
Closed on Monday