Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques a.s.b.l

‘Having a Cigarette with Alvaro Siza - Iain Dilthey’

29 Oct.'17
- 18:00

Seated at his drawing table, a cigarette in his mouth, the Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza addresses director Iain Dilthey's camera. A committed socialist and passionate smoker, Siza is one of the major figures in contemporary architecture. His creations are a reflection of the man: simple and sober, integrated in their environment and ageless. His past and early works are also a way to discover the history of Portuguese society in the second half of the 20th century. In this masterful documentary that at all times remains true to the style and the word of the architect, we penetrate to the depths of the architect's thinking and work.  

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • Subtitles: English

UK, 2016, 52'


- JAP members: free
- Reductions (unemployed, student,...): 6€