Czech Centre Brussels


5 Oct.'15
- 19:30

Presentation of the Biography by Michael Zantovsky

A long-term friend and travelling companion of the famous Czech intellectual, Michael Žantovský will be at BOZAR to present his work Havel. A Life, in the company of Peter Vermeersch, professor of political science at the University of Leuven (KUL). The author will look back on the major events which marked the former president’ life. The playwright, who was a key figure of the 20th century, had an exceptional destiny, moving from dissidence under communism to immense power, after having played a decisive role in the Velvet Revolution. A reluctant witness to the breaking up of the former Czechoslovak Federation, he was an unshakeable defender of democracy and tipped the balance in his country in favour of the West once and for all.

Practical information


Bertouille Rotunda

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


  • English

The book will be on sale in English and Czech