‘Hacktivate the City!’

19 Nov. →
3 Dec.'17

Generation Z

BOZAR is showing off the results of the Gluon STEAM Labs, in which young people, artists and technologists set off on an interdisciplinary quest for solutions to big city challenges. The young ‘urban activists’ draw their inspiration from the city and use new digital technologies to come up with ideas, tools and prototypes for a more sustainable Brussels. Gluon challenges (general, technical and visual arts) secondary school pupils to get thinking about mobility, ecology, health, energy and new media.

Their creations are on show at the Generation Z exhibition at BOZAR.


Practical information



Rue Ravensteinstraat, 23 1000 Brussels


With the Kids and Teens

Opening hours
Tue - Sun, 10 am - 6 pm
Thu, 10 am - 9 pm 
Closed on Monday


Mediators welcome you on Wednesday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday to provide an explanation to the exhibition.