Millenium International Documentary Film Festival

‘Hacking Justice. Garzón Defends Assange - Clara López Rubio & Juan Pancorbo’

27 Mar.'18
- 19:30

Millenium Documentary Film Festival

In the presence of Clara López Rubio

Two men are leading a relentless campaign in the war being waged for the future of the internet, the protection of personal data and freedom of expression; their names are Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks threatened with extradition to the United States, and the former Spanish judge Baltasar  Garzon, famous for having enabled the arrest of Pinochet. Providing unique access to the Ecuadorian Embassy where Assange has been a political refugee since 2012, this film is a testimony to these extraordinary men, their years of work and their fight for freedom.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English Spanish
  • Subtitles: English French