‘Guided tours for associations (+9)’

3 July →
26 Aug.'18


Associations have a crucial role to play in contemporary society! Their formidable capacity for action means they are a real driving force for change. In order to pay homage to this penchant for protest, so often found amongst young people, we are inviting the associations to get involved in the workshops organised as part of our RESIST! exhibition devoted to the legacy of May ‘68 and how democracy and its power of expression can influence public life. 

First, an interactive guided tour open to anyone aged 9 and above will immerse you in various resistance movements that have changed our ways of thinking. You will then stimulate your creativity in our interactive space that recreates the protest preparation meetings as you proudly express your desire for change by creating your own slogans, posters etc. This space will also enable you to reflect on the different meanings of the wall and on their reality as a boundary and barricade or as a display area. 

Young people will explore such questions as "What is freedom?", "What’s the point of rules?", "Are we all equal?", "Are we satisfied with the world around us?", Are we prepared to fight for a better world?" Or other questions specially adapted to the age of the participants. 

Take some time to enjoy one of the many activities offered by BOZAR Open Air at the end of your visit.

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


  • English French Dutch

From Tuesday to Sunday

From 9 years
Duration : 2 hours
Price: € 45 (visit + exhibition tickets)

Group : 15 participants maximum
Info: +32 2 507 83 36 - groups@bozar.be
Booking:  via registration form