Association of European Journalists Belgium

‘Geo-politics, euro-zone reform’

27 Mar.'18
- 18:00

The Best of the European Think Tanks – Part 2

Bruegel, the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and the European Policy Centre (EPC) are all three among the solidly established European think tanks in Brussels much respected for their know-how in international and European affairs.
In the first part of the briefing the think tanks will present themselves, talk about their mission and their goals (and their financial resources).
In the second part the speakers will focus on Europe and the Euro Zone. They will discuss whether we may expect a superficial or substantive reform of the Eurozone and what this means for Europe and its position in the world economy.

Maria Demertzis
is Deputy Director at Bruegel. She has previously worked at the European Commission and the research department of the Dutch Central Bank. She holds a PhD in economics.
Cinzia Alcidi is Head of the Economic Policy Unit at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels and LUISS- School of European Political Economy- research fellow.
Fabian Zuleeg is Chief Executive of the European Policy Centre, with overall responsibility, including providing strategic direction, managing its staff and resources and representing the EPC. He is Chief Economist at the same time.

Moderator: Oliver Grimm, Die Presse, Austria
Kim Duchateau (B) will be sketching live during the event.


The Best of the European Think Tanks

Practical information


Stained Glass Room

Attention: entrance via Rue Baron Horta (Cinematek)