Association of European Journalists Belgium

‘Geo-Politics and the need for transition to cleaner energy’

24 Apr.'18
- 18:00


With: Edouard Simon & Morgane Goret-Le Guen (Confontations Europe Brussels Office), Geneviève Pons-Deladrière (Notre Europe-Institut Delors) and Etienne Bassot & Alex Wilson (Think Tank European Parliament)

Confrontations Europe and Notre Europe-Institut Delors are both among the solidly established European think tanks represented in Brussels much respected for their know-how in international and European affairs. The EP Think Tank is the in-house research department of the European Parliament that assists the MEP’s in their parliamentary work.

In the first part of the briefing the think tanks will present themselves, talk about their mission and their goals (and their financial resources).
In the second part the speakers will focus on Europe and the necessary transition to clean(er) energy. They will discuss whether we need e.g. a social pact to accompany this transition, where we are now and to what we are heading, which concrete challenges Europe faces to insure the supply to its industry and households and what this means for Europe and its position in the world.

Edouard Simon, director & Morgane Goret-Le Guen, policy officer energy Confontations Europe Brussels Office.
Geneviève Pons-Deladrière, director representation of the Delors Institute in Brussels 
Étienne Bassot, the Director of the Members' Research Service at EPRS, & Alex Wilson, an energy policy specialist in the Members Research Service of the European Parliament
Moderator: Oliver Grimm, Die Presse, Austria
Kim Duchateau (B) will draw live cartoons during the talk.


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