
21 May'17
- 13:00

The voice of our memory

Bertouille Rotonda - 13:00


Elke Poppe direction ∙ leiding

Paul Kindt (muzikale begeleiding en pianist) & Alexander Makay (gitarist)

The “The voice of our memory” project demonstrates the power of choral singing. This project is for people suffering from dementia. Singing in a choir enables them to connect with their emotions and to strengthen links with their family. Founded in 2010, Fotonkoor is special in that for one hour, once a month, it brings together people with dementia and their families, to enjoy a moment of sharing through music.

Foton is a centre of expertise for dementia and a support service to the house for people suffering from dementia. Foton is an initiative of the non-profit organisation Familiezorg West-Vlaanderen VZW.

Practical information


Bertouille Rotunda

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels