‘Family Day (3+)’

12 Feb.'17
- 10:00

Picasso. Sculptures

First I start with sheets of paper... ̶   Pablo Picasso

You, your children, parents, nieces and nephews…are invited along to the BOZAR Family Day for an action-packed day of culture and creativity. This year the theme of the Family Day is Pablo Picasso, one of the most brilliant painters and sculptors of the twentieth century. First you get to go round the Picasso. Sculptures exhibition with a sketchpad and pencils. Can you draw a face without lifting your pencil from the paper? Once you have gained enough inspiration from the exhibition you can have a go yourself with paper, metal, clay, wood and found objects. Make your own sculpture and take it home with you! Or find a nice spot for it in the Horta Hall where we will be putting on a mini exhibition of your works.


10:00 > 17:00 (continuously)
Exhibition Picasso. Sculptures

10:00 > 13:00 & 14:00 > 17:00
Workshops in the exhibition

10:00 > 17:00
Workshops in the Horta Hall

Practical information


With the Kids and Teens


  • English French Dutch