‘Facing the Future’

7 Sept.'16
- 20:00

Martial Raysse, Le Corbusier & Iannis Xenakis, Öyvind Fahlström, Nam June Paik & Jud Yalkut

On the occasion of the exhibition Facing the Future. Art in Europe 1945-1968, this program comprising rarely screened works displays the inventiveness of artists such as Martial Raysse, Le Corbusier & Iannis Xenakis, Öyvind Fahlström, Nam June Paik & Jud Yalkut in the field of film and video. Their works question the nature and possibilities of the electronic image, but also the boundaries between politics and entertainment.

Jésus-Cola ou L'Hygiène de la vision – Martial Raysse (1967, 11', colour, sound, 35 mm transferred to digital)
Electronic Poem – Le Corbusier & Iannis Xenakis (1958, 8', b&w, sound: Edgar Varèse, 35 mm transferred to digital) 
Mao-Hope March – Öyvind Fahlström (1966, 4', b&w, sound, 16mm)
Video-Film Concert – Nam June Paik & Jud Yalkut (1966-72, 1992, 35’, b&w / colour, sound, 16 mm film on video). This programme features the following pieces: Video Tape Study No. 3 (1967-69, 1992, 4’, b&w, sound: David Behrman & Kenneth Lerner), Beatles Electroniques (1966-72, 1992, 3’, colour, sound: Kenneth Lerner), Electronic Moon No. 2 (1966-72, 1992, 5’, colour, sound: Debussy), Electronic Fables (1965-71, 1992, 10’, colour, sound), Waiting for Commercials (1966-72, 1992, 7’, colour, sound), Electronic Yoga (1966-72, 1992, 8’, colour, sound)

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS