‘Expo : Glenda León (video)’

9 June'17
- 23:58


Glenda León (born in Havana, 1976-) studied dance at the Centro Prodanza de Cuba, history of art at the Havana Facultad de Artes y Letras and visual arts at the Kunsthochschule für Medien in Cologne. Nowadays, she is a well-known conceptual visual artist, who asks us to listen to what she sees, see what she hears and think about what her works tell us. The urgent and unrelenting pace of daily life does not stop us from perceiving that her pieces invite us into a contemplative moment, full of meaning and allegories. Her work is centred on an aesthetic that is caught in the middle, in the “cracks between the visible and the invisible, sound and silence, the ephemeral and the eternal”.

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