‘European Lab Brussels: Radio Lab’

27 Sept.'18
- 18:30

Day 1

18:30 - 19:45: Open cities, rebel cities
In the face of this worrying failure of the European Union, and of the incapacity of its member states to pull together to find a solution, it is the continent’s cities that have emerged as the political entities best equipped to respond to today’s migration challenges.
With Philippe Lamberts (MEP, BE), Gesine Schwan (Free University of Berlin, DE) and Ludovic Lamant (Mediapart, FR)

19:50 - 21:00: Last call for Europe: time for mobilisation

European Lab Brussels will echo the sentiments of a whole wave of citizen initiatives that want to revive the European project and remobilise the forces. Far removed from any political parties, it is activists, venues, festivals and medias such as We Are Europe who are picking up the baton, starting the countdown and launching their own mobilisation campaigns.
With Eva Rovers (writer, NL), Angela Richter (Theater director, DE / HR), Kyrill Hartog (Are We Europe, NL) and Alberto Alemanno (Law Professor, FR). Moderator: Mick ter Reehorst (Are We Europe, NL)

21:05 - 22:00: The coming-of-age of Brussels’ clubbing culture and how it should set itself up for the future
An hour-long debate, hosted and moderated by The Word’s Emi Vergels in the context of the European Lab Brussels, exploring the capital-city’s resurgent club scene past, and what its future looks like.
With Tom Brus (C12 / Deep in House, BE), Nicolas Hemeleers (24hBrussels, CityTools, BE), Emmanuel Angeli (Cultural collaborator and advisor, BE) and Katerina Serulus (Researcher, BE)

22:05 - 23:00: GEN Z: a portrait of Europe’s youth.
GEN Z – you guessed it: short for ‘Generation Z’ – is questioning the reality experienced by young people born after 1995. By collaborating with schools and associations, and by interrogating the youth of Europe anywhere from playgrounds to living places, social adventurers Antoine Neufmars, Salvatore Calcagno and Emilie Flamant have looked countless young people in the eye and listened to their thoughts.

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