Millenium International Documentary Film Festival

‘Europe and the emergence of a new world’

26 Mar.'15
- 00:00


Conference within the context of the futurologic congress of the MILLENIUM Festival

At a time when globalisation comes with its share of profound geopolitical changes, Europe is at a crossroads and must choose who will define the future of its civil society. Will it improve its societal model based on immaterial values such as diversity and solidarity? Or will it promote standardisation and reinforce the existing transatlantic alliances?

Many voices in Europe are calling for leaders that are both wise and globally responsible, but they are met by the opposition who deems it to be “too great a risk”. In this debate, the floor will be given to two people who were involved in the creation of the European model and who now have vastly different visions.

PIERRE DEFRAIGNE, Executive director of Madriaga, College of Europe Foundation
MARC LUICKX GHISI, Former member of the Forward Studies Unit of the European Commission

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