‘Dietrich Henschel’

12 Feb.'18
- 20:00

The baritone Dietrich Henschel does not shy away from a challenge. As a lieder singer and conductor he develops projects of his own that breathe new life into the recital and concert genre. On the occasion of our production of Il Prigoniero, he focuses on Luigi Dallapiccola, a composer who made human freedom and subjection into one of his main themes: ‘In a totalitarian regime, the individual is powerless. Only by means of music would I be able to express my anger.’ This joint project by Dietrich Henschel and musicians of the La Monnaie Symphony Orchestra introduces us to Dallapiccola as an outstanding composer of small-scale vocal and instrumental works. By adding some famous ‘numbers’ by Johann Strauss and works by Hans Werner Henze, Henschel has cooked up a programme that takes us on a grand tour of Naples, Florence, Greece, and Vienna.

Dietrich Henschel
Luigi Dallapiccola

Cinque Canti per baritono e otto strumentie su poesie greche

Luigi Dallapiccola

Piccola musica notturna

Hans Werner Henze


Hans Werner Henze

Fünf neopolitanische Lieder

Johann Strauss (Jr)

Die Fledermaus (Ouvertüre)

Johann Strauss (Jr)

An der schönen blauen Donau, op. 314

Practical information


La Monnaie | De Munt

Place de la Monnaie 1000 Brussels

