Millenium International Documentary Film Festival

‘Debate: Will we be replaced by robots?’

27 Mar.'17
- 19:00

Followed by the film Mattress Men - Colm Quinn

19:00 Debate: Robotisation
With the emergence of the digital economy, the third industrial revolution is underway. The Bruegel Institute in Brussels has estimated that within 20 years 54% of European jobs will be affected by robotization. This is already the case in transport, agriculture but also in finance, medicine, catering or even journalism and the medico-social sector.
Work becomes a rare resource that will have to be shared, but how? How to ensure the peaceful coexistence of humans and robots? Should the robots be taxed? How will the economy work if consumption shrinks? The changes are already perceptible, modifying the relation maintained by each one with the work, its organization or its remuneration.
20:45 Mattress Men – Colm Quinn
(IR, 2016, 80’, OV EN, ST FR)
Paul works in the mattress shop of Michael Flynn. In order to save his job and the business, which is close to bankrupt, he embarks on a crazy marketing mission. He transforms his employer into “Mattress Mick” who creates a buzz on the Internet. Will crisis, success and friendship get on well ?

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