‘Debate: The school - the place - the artist’

6 Dec.'17
- 14:00

Art is taught at school

Debate organised within the framework of the exhibition Jean Gilbert. Peintre en bâtiment.


13:15-14:00 Visit of the exhibition “Jean Glibert. Peintre en bâtiment” in the presence of the artist and of the commissioner Michel De Visscher
14:00-14:10 Word of welcome by André-Marie Poncelet (general administrator of the culture - FWB)
14:10-14:30 Introduction by Olivier Bastin (architect) & Rolf Quaghebeur (director of Argos)
14:30-15:50 Presentation of the projects:
14:30-14:45 MPIGO Heemschool 1, Neder-over-Heembeek - Hadewych Popelier (primary school teacher)
14:45-15:15 Institut Publique de Protection de la Jeunesse, Fraipont - Daniel Delgoffe (architect), Camille Steyaert (assistant of the artist Françoise Schein) & Chantal Beijers (educator)
15:15-15:35 Collège Saint Benoît-Saint Servais, Liège - Jean Glibert (artist), Fabienne Courtejoie (architect) & Norbert Nelles (architect)
15:35-15:50 Kinderdagverblijf De Zonnebloem, Mechelen - Lotte Vanden Audenaeren (artist)

15:50-16:10 Art at school, from the point of view of the sponsor - Karin Heremans (director of Koninklijk Atheneum Antwerpen)
16:10-16:45 Snack

16:45-18:00 Debate in the presence of : Chantal Dassonville (Cellule architecture – FWB), Alda Greoli (minister of the Culture, Permanent Education and Childhood - FWB), Karin Heremans (director of Koninklijk Atheneum Antwerpen), Katrien Laenen (Kunstcel – Vlaamse Overheid), Caroline Mierop (moderator) & Norbert Nelles (architect).
18:00-18:30 Conclusion by Olivier Bastin & Rolf Quaghebeur


Coproduction: Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel – Cellule Architecture, Vlaamse overheid – Kunstcel, A+ Architecture in Belgium, BOZAR

With the support of: Région Bruxelles-Capitale - Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, City of Brussels and Febelcem

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

Registration required.