‘Debate #4: Resist and Persist’

12 May'18
- 19:00

Next Generation, Please! Festival

Do young people still take to the streets, and if so why? From the Occupy movement to The Women’s March, the current protests against firearm legislation in the USA to the anti-CETA demonstrations here in Belgium: young people are involved every time. What is their role in local and global protest movements? Is the spirit of May '68 still alive? Is resistance the most direct form of democracy? And do civil disobedience and boycotts make a difference? Collectively we look into strategies that help to safeguard the sustainability of activism.

Speakers: Hasna Ankal (freelance journalist, activist, moderator), Tivadar Vervoort (Humanities Rally, Krisis), Heleen Debeuckelaere (Black speaks Back), Eric Corijn (VUB)

Practical information


Bertouille Rotunda

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


  • Dutch

Sat 12 May 2018 19:00 - 21:00


Rotonde Bertouille