
‘Das Magazin Book Club’

24 Sept.'15
- 19:00

Be the first to read the new Saskia De Coster

KultuurKaffee is proud to present a sneak preview, reading club session on Saskia De Coster’s latest offering: Wat alleen wij horen. In the evening of Thursday, 24 September, 25 readers will be discussing Saskia’s new novel with the author herself in an event that is hosted by Das Magazin. At first, we will sent you a copy of the book one month ahead of the official publication date, making you one of the first fortunate readers to get your hands on the book.

In late August, a galley proof of the book (a stack of A4-size sheets) will be sent to you, giving you every opportunity to read the book at your leisure before you have the chance to discuss it with Saskia De Coster in Bozar on 24 September. The evening itself, you will also receive the hard copy of the book.

Care to join us? Book a seat using the online registration form.


BANG! Imaginative City Festival curated by Saskia De Coster

This event is part of the imaginative city festival BANG! Curated by Saskia De Coster. Due to the construction work currently being undertaken, KultuurKaffee has opted for a nomadic existence and, together with a guest curator, assembles twice a year a multidisciplinary programme of events at various locations dotted around the city of Brussels. Autumn 2015 sees author Saskia De Coster welcoming her festival guests at Bozar.

Practical information


Salon Royal - Koninklijk salon

Doors open: 7.00 p.m @ Pop-up bar - Entrance via Baron Hortastraat 9, 1000 Brussel
Starts at: 8pm

Admission: € 25 = Reading club + book