‘Culture and Education for all: building the skills for more resilient societies’

14 Mar.'18
- 09:30

Facing the fourth industrial revolution requires a re-think of the different skills we equip our citizens with; from independent thinking to human-centred skills, such as social and artistic competences, or cultural expression. In an increasingly globalised world we can expect migratory flows that will require the embracing of cultural diversity, both in work settings and in our communities. This should not be limited to the younger generations as European citizens of all ages are already facing these challenges and hence the proposed revision of key competences for lifelong learning will demand a holistic approach, across formal, non-formal and informal settings. If we want to ensure a prosperous European future for all and truly “strengthen European identity through Education and Culture”, as the European Commission’s Communication on a European Education Area proposes, our approach should be as innovative and inclusive as possible.

9:30 Welcome - Lars Ebert
, Culture Action Europe and ELIA
9:35 Keynote - Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, former Minister of Education, Culture and Research of Luxembourg
10:00 High-level panel discussion
Yasen Gyurov, First Secretary for Education and Training, Chair of the Education Committee of the Permanent Representation of Bulgaria to the EU
Jens Nymand Christensen, Deputy Director General of DG EAC
Paolo Fontani, Director of UNESCO in Brussels
David Lopez, President of the Lifelong Learning Platform
Moderation: Lars Ebert, Culture Action Europe and ELIA
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 Break-out sessions
- Learning mobility and cultural Awareness - with Culture Action Europe, Euroclio, Europeana
- Digital education - with EDEN, Europeana, Public Libraries 2020 and MuSa (Museum Sector Alliance)
- Key competences and learning environments - with the Lifelong Learning Platform, Europeana, EUF, and Culture Action Europe
12:30 Mu. SA (Museum Sector Alliance) Project presentation - Margherita Sani, Instituto Beni Culturali, Region Emilia-Romagna
12:45 Wrap-up and conclusions - Lars Ebert, Culture Action Europe and ELIA
13:15 Networking lunch

Practical information


Bertouille Rotunda

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


  • English

Free entrance, registration mandatory via the online form >

This event is organised in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.