‘Crossing Borders’

9 → 22

Next Generation, Please! Festival

To travel Europe’s borders is to draw a line, for the first time maybe, from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean basin, by way of the Black Sea. And it’s to push through mental frontiers till you arrive at your limits - the point where you feel different, other.

We have sought to meet men and women living on borders and experiencing cross-border projects that seek to unite. What is border life like ? What ties are being woven from one side to the other ? What is the physical and mental reality for those who live with borders?

Can we start to sketch a geography that replaces border infrastructure with ancestral knowledge, common culture, endemic species ? These are environments that refused to be contained by political borders – shared spaces as between Russia and Latvia, Poland and Ukraine, Sicily and Tunisia.

You, citizens of here or there, what do your European borders look like - real or imaginary ?

A project conceived by TESIM in partnership with IHECS

Lou Vernin

Accompanying artist

Artist: Lou Vernin
Young participants: IHECS, master 1 (Animation Socioculturelle et Education Permanente)
Collaboration: Initiated by TESIM in partnership with IHECS
Expert: Anna Repullo Grau, DG NEAR - European Commission
Theme: EU borders
Final output: Audio and video installation, photos and travel documents, 40 minutes film « Crossing Borders »

Thursday 10 May 14:00

Film screening & debate "Crossing Borders"

Practical information




Thu 10 May 2018 14:00 - 16:00

Salle des Vitraux


9 - 22 May 2018


Main partner

  • European Commission / TESIM