‘Conversation: Nina de Vroome / Khristine Gillard’

5 June'17
- 18:00

In the presence of the directors

A joint initiative by the Ateliers du GSARA and CVB, Conversation is a one-year residency based on a correspondence between two artists. It focuses on the significance of the documentary film, its writings and its variations. For its second edition,  Conversation is welcoming the filmmakers Nina de Vroome and Khristine Gillard.

Nina de Vroome is a graduate of the KASK Conservatorium and member of the editorial committee of Sabzian, a website dedicated to reflections on cinema. Through her films she develops a "choreography of the eye" that establishes a subtle dialogue between the real and the poetic imagination. Khristine Gillard creates both films and installations. With Jean Debauche and Sébastien Koeppel she founded the LABO workshop, a Brussels laboratory for artisanal film processing. 

During this evening of alternating screenings in the presence of the two filmmakers, BOZAR invites you to discover two short films and two feature length films that explore the notion of territory, whether understood as a geographical or mental space. 

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

Price per screening 6-4€
PASS for both screenings 8-6€