‘Concert - Berchmans Jeugdkoor & Berchmans Collegium Vocale’

6 May'18
- 16:00

Singing Brussels Celebration Weekend

These two choirs belong to the Collège Saint-Jean-Berchmans in Brussels. The youth choir is made up of pupils from the junior cycle, and the Collegium Vocale consists of pupils from the senior cycle. The former tackle a varied repertoire, mainly pieces for two voices, from all eras and continents. The Collegium Vocale mainly focuses on a three voice repertoire that is both sacred and profane, classical and non-classical. Together they will be performing extracts from the soundtrack of the film Les Choristes and Pergolèse’s Stabat Mater.

Direction: Sergio Agreda De Ro

Practical information


Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


Sun 6 May 2018 16:00 → 16:45 
