Brussels Academy

‘Comparing Brussels for better governance - cancelled’

2 Apr.'19
- 18:30

AGORA Urban Master Class with Muriel Sacco

Brussels is a relatively atypical city. It is the capital of a region and a community, a federal and an international capital, which comprises 19 municipalities and is the seat of international institutions, with important political competences, a bilingual and multicultural city. But these specific characteristics are also fundamental aspects of the institutional and political complexity of its governance. Although it is completely unique, Brussels stands to benefit from a comparison with other cities – whether different or similar – such as Montreal, Antwerp, Liège, Charleroi and so on - to better understand the scope, meaning, and social and political impact of these unique characteristics on public action. This makes it possible to determine the measure of standardisation, to move away from political and partisan talk and, in so doing, to better reflect on the challenges, orientations and effects of urban public action.

Muriel Sacco is a lecturer and researcher at GERME (ULB).

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