25 Mar.'18
- 18:00

Columbus in the state of Indiana is a city of not even 50,000 inhabitants that has coincidentally become a paradise of modernistic architecture. These buildings play an essential role – both narrative and visual – in Columbus, Kogonada’s debut, whose pseudonym refers to Yasujirō Ozu’s regular screenwriter Kogo Noda. A young South Korean man travels to Columbus because his father, an architecture lecturer, is in a coma there. He makes friends with a young librarian who is taking care of her mother, a former drug addict. An unusual friendship develops, spiced up with architecture (history). With Columbus Kogonada has made the perfect cocktail of Antonioni, Ozu, Asiatic minimalism and American indie film à la Richard Linklater. One of the most acclaimed American productions of 2017.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English
  • Subtitles: French

US - 2017 - 100'