18 Mar. →
18 Apr.'17


Johan Van Steen was a passionate photographer. His dream of presenting his photography to a wider world was broken by the attack of 22 March 2016. The exhibition Light and Shadow pays homage to a man able to unite light and shadow in his life and in his art. In the same spirit ‘Circles - We have the choice’ saw the light.  It’s an initiative by his partner Kristin Verellen and a circle of friends, inviting people to come together and connect as an answer to intolerance, blind violence and collective trauma. Everyone touched by or witness to what extremism and terror can do to us as people and as a society is welcome. In ‘Circles’ sharing with others, in the ‘Listening Room' with a psychotherapist or at the ‘Listening Wall' where you can leave a testimony.

Wednesday 22.03.2017
“Circles – We have the choice”

1pm > 2.30pm: Open Circle (BOZAR / Ravenstein Gallery)
Animation of the Circle: Stien Michiels & Karen Van Heuckelom

3pm > 4pm: Ritual to Reconnect (BOZAR / Horta Hall)
In collaboration with Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, PARTS and Rosas.

4pm: Turn to Love (Beursplein – Place de la Bourse)
Citizen commemoration of the attacks (#tousensemble#samenéén#allunited)
After the Ritual to reconnect, we walk to the Place de la Bourse for a closing event.

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

 Opening hours
Tue - Sun, 10 am - 6 pm
Thu, 10 am - 9 pm
Closed on Monday