‘The challenge of building trust: Is technology there to save the media?’

3 May'17
- 15:00

What if the business of the news media is not based on the monetization of big volumes of internet traffic but on the capacity of building trust, influencing society and endorsing world views? Might block chain technology offer solutions? Block chains are a transparent and decentralized way of recording lists of transactions. They may help shift some control over daily interactions with technology away from central elites, redistributing it among users.

Discover during five successive presentations by five tandems of speakers how they make a  third wave of digital innovation happen with tech and media companies.

With : Dieter Boen, Tim Verheyden, Pieter Haasnoot, Dragan Sekulovski
Moderator : Daniela Vincenti


Difference Day 2017

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Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English

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