Belgian National Orchestra

‘Cantania - Quartier Liberté’

8 June'24

Cantania closing concert

With the Belgian National Orchestra
Come along to the festive closing concert of the Cantania music project at the Palais des Beaux-Arts! 
On Saturday 8 June 2024, a choir of students and their teachers will perform Quartier Liberté, a musical work composed by Albert Carbonell, with text by Marc Rosich. 
The Quartier Liberté is a neighbourhood where joie de vivre flourishes, where true harmony and freedom reign. What makes the Quartier Liberté so special is that its residents give free rein to their personal freedom without losing sight of respect for their fellow citizens.  The atmosphere is so exceptional that it arouses the curiosity of Stella, a television journalist eager for scoops. One thing is certain: she's going to discover the secret of this neighbourhood.  
The stars of the day are the children and their teachers, who have worked in class for a whole year to bring you this concert. 
Come and cheer them on!

The schools taking part are :
13.00: Emile Jacqmain, GBS Everheide, GBS Paloke, Institut de la Vierge Fidèle, Singelijn, Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege

18.00: Boodschaapinstituut, Centre Pédagogique du Parc Astrid, Ecole primaire Les Magnolias, Gemeenteschool Sint-Joost-aan-Zee, Institut Champagnat

  • Albert Carbonell, music 
  • Marc Rosich, texts 
  • Peter Spaepen & Vital Schraenen, adaptations
  • David Ramael, musical direction 
  • Vital Schraenen, direction and choreography 
  • Ruby De Bruyne , pedagogical support
  • Katrijn Deneir, piano 
  • The musicians of the Belgian National Orchestra  
  • Soloists
    •  Astrid Stockman, Stella
    • Halidou Nombre, Amor

The Cantania project would not be possible without the support of the Candriam Institute for Sustainable Development, Fondation Les Pen's, SFPIM and the Fondation Privée Futur 21.

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


With the Kids and Teens

Primary Education


  • French Dutch
  • Subtitles: French Dutch





  • l'Auditori di Barcelona

Main Support