Moussem Nomadic Arts Centre

‘CANCELLED: Abdellatif Laabi, Naziha Meftah & Driss El Maloumi - L’Œil du cœur’

26 Apr.'18
- 20:00


“Driss el Maloumi is one of those miraculous musicians whose music makes us better people, and so it quickly becomes indispensable” –Les Inrocks

Both recital and concert, L’Œil du cœur, built up around the poetic universe of the world famous writer Abdellatif Laâbi (Goncourt Prize for poetry), includes musical creations by Driss El Maloumi, and the great performer Naziha Meftah’s range of lyrical art. The poet’s unadorned words, the enchanting voice of the cantatrice, stunning musical performances by the composer as they listen to one another, enter into dialogue and are drawn together until they join forces in the same outburst of creative plenitude. Born of a real complicity between artists from three different generations, L’Œil du cœur is unique in its genre, rooted in living Moroccan culture and participating in the universal.

Abdellatif Laâbi
Driss El Malloumi
Naziha Meftah

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS