BSI-Brussels Centre Observatory (BSI-BCO)

‘Brussels Hypercentre’

1 Feb.'18
- 19:00


For several years, Brussels has enjoyed a dynamic revitalisation of which pedestrian development is a central element. The Brussels Centre Observatory of the Brussels Studies Institute (BSI-BCO) and, in partnership with the City of Brussels, the Bouwmeester (bMa), BOZAR Pyblik and the Brussels Academy, are organising, from 26 January to 1 February, a Master Class focussed on the challenges of pedestrianisation, the results of which will be presented on 1 February at the Centre for Fine Arts.
Multidisciplinary teams of students and professionals will present the guidelines they will have drawn up through various multi-scale development scenarios articulating Zoom In and Zoom Out. To take part in the Master Class week, which takes place at, we invite you to consult the call for participation and remind you that participation is free but registration compulsory.

Programme : 
18:30: welcome
19:00: introduction by Eric Corijn (BSI-BCO) and Christophe Soil (
20:30: round table in the presence of Jérémy Onkelinx (Advisor Urban development at the cabinet of the Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region), Olivier Verstraeten (Advisor Urban development at the cabinet of the Mayor of Brussels), Tom Sanders (, territorial strategy), Kristiaan Borret (bouwmeester Maître architecte), Livia de Bethune (Multiple architecture & urbanism), Pierre Vanderstraeten (LOCI-UCL)
21:30: Cocktail dinner and presentation of the results

Organizing Committee: Prof. Eric Corijn, BSI-BCO | Vrije Universiteit Brussel – VUB
Prof. Jean-Philippe De Visscher, Université catholique de Louvain – UCL | LOCI
Margaux Hardy, BSI-BCO | Université St Louis
Prof. Michel Hubert, BSI-BCO | Université St Louis
Dr. Aniss Mezoued, BSI-BCO | Université catholique de Louvain – UCL | LOCI
Frédéric Raynaud,
Prof. Pierre Vanderstraeten, Université catholique de Louvain – UCL | LOCI
Prof. Fabio Vanin, Vrije Universiteit Brussel – VUB-Cosmopolis
Dr. Sofie Vermeulen, BSI-BCO | Université Libre de Bruxelles

Practical information


Bertouille Rotunda

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


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