A+ Architecture in Belgium

‘Brussels Architecture Prize’

12 Dec.'23
- 19:00

On Tuesday 12th of December 2023, the Brussels Architecture Prize award ceremony will take place at the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels. This prize honors Brussels and its architects, those who make this city what it is today and generate innovative projects that have become sources of inspiration beyond the borders of the Region. On this occasion, one winner per category will be designated. In addition to the four prize categories – public space, extra muros, small intervention and major intervention – two honorary titles will also be awarded, the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Young Promising Architect Award. This evening will also be the occasion to reveal the winner of the People’s Choice Award.

The Brussels Architecture Prize is an initiative of the Brussels-Capital Region that is implemented by Urban in co-production with A+ Architecture in Belgium. Every two years, the Brussels Architecture Prize rewards outstanding architectural projects that contribute to the spatial quality of the Brussels-Capital Region.

Practical information


Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English

Sound level

Level 2 ≤ 95 db



10 -

< 30 year

8 -

Card : Preferential Reimbursement / EU Disability

8 -