‘Bruocsella. Movement for transition’

26 Apr.'19

I Love Science. Speculative Futures

We invite you to an experimental walk organised by the World School along the Senne valley, exploring the Marais (marshes) of Jette-Ganshoren. Experts and artists will be your guides, using the city landscape to initiate discussion on an alternative political model for Brussels, the capital of Europe.

During this walk the World School makes the connection between a landscape marked by the dominant political model of the 19th century as adopted by the Brussels-Capital Region and a new vision for the 21st century based on the city's hydrographic structure. How can we create a new culture able to radically transform the former urban model? Participants will be confronted with subjects such as energy transition, relations between humans and nature and the need to protect the ecosystem.

Practical information


Ganshoren marsh

1030 Ganshoren



Secondary Education


  • French Dutch

Activity proposed to the school public as part of the I Love Science Festival.

2 workshops per day (duration: 2 hours) - Friday at 10 am and 1 pm.

Recommended age: 14 years and older.

Meeting point: to be determined after booking.

Reservation here