‘The big Debate on Safety and Security’

8 May'19
- 19:30

There’s no way of avoiding it. Nowadays there are smart cameras above your head everywhere you go, soon our fingerprint will be added to our ID and the government keeps data about whom we call or text. But have all these increased security measures actually improved our safety?
Safety and security have become a key theme in political and private debates in recent years. But are these measures really necessary or have we gone overboard? Should we choose between safety and security on the one hand and personal freedom on the other or is this a false dilemma?

This evening, five politicians will discuss the concept of safety and security. Koen Geens (CD&V), Hans Bonte (SP.A), Stefaan Van Hecke (Groen), Tim Vandenput (Open VLD) and Sophie De Wit (N-VA) will engage in a debate that focuses on two major security issues: the return of ISIS fighters and the investigative techniques of the future. Paul Van Tigchelt (Director of OCAD, the Coordination Unit for Threat Assessment), Rosamunde Van Brakel (Director of Privacy Salon and post doctoral researcher at VUB) and Kati Verstrepen of the Human Rights League will provide substantive support. After the debate, there will be a small cocktail.

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  • Dutch

In addition to the security debate, the Human Rights League has developed three other electoral initiatives, based on the conviction that human rights should be the fundamental cornerstone of any (policy) decision. Because human rights ensure our freedom and our safety. Go to https://stem.mensenrechten.be

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