‘BIFFF - 35st Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival’

4 → 16

+ exhibition

Started in 1983, the Festival (Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival) has become one of the biggest genre festivals in the world. 60,000 film lovers visit every year the hundreds of avant-premieres that take place in one of the prestigious halls of the Center for Fine Arts.The BIFFF returns with a promising and very festive 35th edition. There’s a rich and very diverse film program, of course, but BIFFF wouldn’t be the BIFFF without its parade of side-events like the art exhibition Festiv’art, the Art & Body Painting Contest, Master Classes and many other art forms in its genre.

Curator Marleen De Schryver / Art Projects Pieterpauwel, along with the BIFFF team, presents the beautiful works of artists Patrick Van Craenenbroeck, Dimitri Pichelle Nathan Vranckx and Thibault Feron during this 35th edition.

BIFFF organizes its 2nd edition of the International Art Contest, the event which had an immediate success in 2016 when a dozen artists tried to beat the clock and deliver an artwork within 5 hours.
For this year’s edition, 2 candidates will execute their artwork for the festival audience with as theme “FANTASTIC ART” between 5pm and 10pm, and this will happen every evening.
A professional jury, represented by Patrick Van Craenenbroeck, Dimitri Pichelle  Thibault Feron and Bettina Meermans will hand out 3 prizes. First price is a participation for the professional exhibition ArtBIFFF 2018 organized by curator Art Pieter Pauwel and the BIFFF team, second and third price is professional artist material (in partnership with www.geant-beaux-arts.be).
 Send an e-mail to : jonathan@bifff.net before 10 mars.
Info and rules: www.bifff.net
The contest will be held every evening from 5 until 12 April 2017.


Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

- € 4 for one exhibition of your choice upon presentation of a ticket or a pass for the BIFFF Festival. Action valid until 30.04.2017