‘Benoit Platéus’

9 Feb. →
3 June'18


In the framework of the exhibition FERNAND LÉGER, Beauty is Everywhere

On the occasion of the exhibition dedicated to Fernand Léger, the Centre for Fine Arts is inviting the Belgian artist Benoit Platéus (° 1972) to present a series of works created in New York, a key city for Platéus and Léger, who regularly came into contact with avant-garde artists such as Ossip Zadkine, Max Ernst, Marc Chagall, André Breton and Piet Mondrian there.

Works by Benoit Platéus converge with this historical moment of transition in more ways than one. How, for example, could you not be reminded of Max Ernst and his frottages? The urban space is another common element in the works of Léger and Platéus who celebrate the city in their own way, the former through faith in its future and utopia, the latter through the illicit intervention of graffiti and street art.

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