‘Benjamin Appl’

4 Nov.'15
- 19:00

Rising Star Barbican Centre London

Warning Concert at 7pm

The young German baritone presents a magnificent Romantic programme. No 19th-century genre is more intimate or more melancholy than the lied – or than its French counterpart, the mélodie. Duparc, in particular, is identified with the latter. He destroyed most of his work; less than 40 compositions survived, all of great beauty. His seventeen songs are particularly outstanding. Schubert and Schumann are, of course, giants of the lieder repertoire. This should be an evening of pure delight.

CONTEXT :Throughout the season, discover the Rising Stars in the most intimate of settings through video portraits which they themselves have put together from their rehearsal studios. These talented musicians introduce themselves to you in them and provide valuable tips on how to best appreciate.

Benjamin Appl
Gary Matthewman
Henri Duparc

L'invitation au voyage

Henri Duparc

Chanson triste

Henri Duparc


Franz Schubert

9 Lieder

Robert Schumann

Dichterliebe, op. 48

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS



  • Culture Programme of the European Union