Fountains of Rome
No work better embodies Norwegian national romanticism than Edvard Grieg's Piano Concerto. He composed this work at the age of 24, during a long holiday in the Norwegian countryside, just after the birth of his only daughter.
When Respighi left his native Bologna for Rome in 1913, he was struck by two things: the magnificent fountains and the umbrella-shaped pine trees that could be seen everywhere on the horizon. He dedicated a symphonic poem in four movements to them. The final movement of Pini di Roma recalls the former glory of the Roman Empire. Respighi's masterful orchestration techniques – with dazzling brass and powerful organ – make the ground tremble beneath the feet of the advancing legions.
Enhance your experience beyond the concert with an introduction in the Henry Le Boeuf Hall! The introduction starts at 7 pm and is free upon presentation of your concert ticket.
"Powder Her Face", Three-Piece Suite
Piano Concerto, op. 16
Fontane di Roma, P. 106
Pini di Roma, P. 141
Practical information
Henry Le Boeuf Hall
Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELSCo-production